2012. november 4., vasárnap

MIYAVI [ G1 - SWU 2011 ] - São Paulo BRAZIL - Interview 2011. november 11.

MIYAVI [ G1 - SWU 2011 ] - São Paulo BRAZIL - Interview 2011. november 11.

Takamasa Ishihara (30) has so many chances to call attention on his show at SWU festival 14/11/2011

Miyavi, artistic name of the Japanese guitarist can be the new subject on the population because of his eccentric visual (he changes the hair as change the clothes) or because of the way he plays his instrument, he is called the Guitarist Samurai. In the interview by telephone to G1, he tells that he almost become a footballer, but today he does lives with hard riffs and some rap.

“My music isn’t only rock, hip hop, funk or blues. My music has to do with the way I play guitar.”

G1- What do you remember from Brazil the other times you came?

Miyavi- SWU will be my third time on Brazil. I just saw Sao Paulo. What I can say is everybody is enthusiastic. Fans take me around the city, show me streets, take me to good restaurants. Has a nice churrasco… My fans are musical people, that dances and moves.

G1-How is be a part of the SWU programming?

Miyavi- I’ve never been in a important festival like this . I want to have a relationship with other artists. Primus, Faith no more, Megadeth. I respect the hip hop artists too.

G1-You started play guitar at 15. What musics did you play?

Miyavi- I liked play without trying to learn music of another one. I remember of a progression of chors that was of Ray Charles. Was “bom bom bom bom bom” [Performs guitar sound]. It was a kind of blues and was easy to memorize to a jam with my friends.

G1- How did you earn your first guitar?

Miyavi- I bought it. I couldn’t play soccer because of an injury in a match. It’s for this I started to play guitar. After… I gave up to be a professional football player, but at that time I was on the main category of Cerezo Osaka. The Gamba Osaka was our big rival.

G1- So much Brazilians played on Japanese championship…

Miyavi- I like Zico, of course. I like the Ronaldo too… I mean, Leonardo. He was so good.

G1- You have your own way to play guitar. How did you create it?

Miyavi- During a world tour, I though that I had to create a original style that would show that I’m a Japanese artist. I tried to base on Shamisen, a traditional and popular instrument in Japan. it sound like a bass. It was what I needed. I tried to take its sound for the guitar.

G1- How did you pass to have the nickname “Samurai guitarist”?

I don’t know [laughs]. My friends called me of this way, mainly Europe. In the beginning I said: What the f*** is this? But… I started thinking… And even like it too. I take the guitar as a samurai fights with a sword… My music isn’t only rock, hip hop, funk or blues. My music has to do with the way I play guitar.

G1-You changes a lot the style and color of your hair. The visual part is important as the music you play?

Miyavi- I don’t know. I just change my look to the way I want. Sometimes I’m made up, thing that I love, sometimes I’m not. You have to like your image, be happy. But I don’t wanna people judging my music looking at my hair. Sometimes i read on Twitter: " MIYAVI, i love your music, your voice but you had no makeup and no clothes that I like " ..i think my answer will be “What the f*** is this?" if you love my music who cares about the look .

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