2013. július 9., kedd

Interjú az INDONÉZIAI koncert előtt 2012. november 27.

Forrás: http://www.freemagz.com/face2face/item/3341-an-interview-with-japanese-rockstar-miyavi

An Interview With Japanese Rockstar Miyavi

This is your first time coming to Indonesia, and your first stop is Jakarta, how do you feel?
Actually I’ve bin receivin the enthusiastic voices from my fans for a long time so I really wanted to. But you know it’s almost impossible to make things like this happen without any local support. So I’m so glad and honored to be able to be here for my first time and I thank the local staff and my fan .F N"s strong, patient support over the last decade.

On 12 Oct you will play at Hard Rock Cafe Bali for it’s anniversary, is there any special?
Nothing much to be honest.
The fact that I finally can have a performance here is so special for me.  And I promise to let you feel a special musical experience you’ve never had before.

Do you have any special ritual before your performance?
Just prayin with my crew members for peace through out the whole world.

Back in the days, how did you get into the music industry?
I was a boy who wanted to be a professional soccer player.
But I had to give up my dream because of an injury I got during A game. Then the first time ever I touched the guitar, the image of myself playin in front of a huge crowd under the spotlight onstage came up.
That's when I decided to be a rockstar.

When you first time playing guitar, what song you play?
Just played as I wanted with no leads.

Who’s influence you the most?
My mom. ;)

Please describe about your albums Samurai Session World Series Volume 2 MIYAVI vs YUKSEK?
As long as we believe that the daybreak will come no matter what, we can feel hope. Everyday is day 1, we can start over everyday anytime. That is the concept of the TRACK.

And can you tell us how you met Yuksek?
With the recommendation of my A&R from Capitol Record USA. We wanted to add a strong beat and passion with the guitar riff.

How much influence the development of technology to your music?
A lot.
Thx to that thankful development, the music industry went down. But now we can spread creations to the whole world through the internet on the flip side. That’s how I connected with my people all over the world.

When you start thinking to make an album, is it important to deliver a message to the listener, something that people can interpret on their own, or is it all about having fun and that’s it.

Can you tell us what’s your biggest dream in music?
As I said, to make the world peaceful and fun!

If you have a change to collaborate with a rockstar, who will it be and what music will you make with him/her?
With Prince, we'll make something nobody experienced before.

Whats your opinion or what do you know about japanese music scene in Indonesia?
Don't know much but we Japanese NEED to focus more on the global scene way f***in more.

What’s on your agenda in the future and anything else you'd like to say?
My new album “Samurai Sessions Vol.1” which I collaborated with a bunch of talented and passionate artists will be coming out on Nov.14th. Now already started workin on tracks for my following album.
I promise you a new musical experience again soon.

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