2013. július 9., kedd

Második interjú a malajziai koncert előtt 2012. július

Forrás: http://hydeist-haido.livejournal.com/14234.html

It’s your first time coming to Malaysia, so what is your impression of the country? How do you feel?
Having a live in Malaysia has been a huge honour to me. Before coming here I’d already heard of stuff about ‘Tokyo Street’ at Pavillion KL, plus, my fans in Malaysia had also been looking forward to seeing me have a concert in their own country here, so… in the end I came because of the popular demand~ The weather, people and food of Malaysia are pretty good!

What is your feeling when you saw your Malaysian fans?
Of course I’m happy~ Malaysian fans are very enthusiastic! They’ve been anticipating me to come to Malaysia for a long time, making me have a huge urge to have a gig here. If no one wants me to perform, I wouldn’t have the chance to! Thanks for their support; I’ll keep trying new things[1] and advance myself for my fans. I wish my music can give everyone some hope in the future[2].

Are there any local delicacies that you want to try out?
Haha~ It seems that you want to treat me for a meal eh? Actually, I’ve been awaiting Dennis Lau[3] to bring me out for some food-hunting[4] ne~ Although I heard that there are many spicy food in Malaysia, but I like sweet stuff the most.

Please describe what the relationship is between you and your guitar.
Me and my guitar… kinda ‘illegal’? Haha~ I’m already married and have children, but I still have a deep affection for my guitar desu yo[5]! Every time when I play guitar, it was as if I can feel everyone’s support and encouragement, and the feeling of my music could make everyone’s day turn out great. I play guitar everyday, that’s my so-called relationship of me and my guitar.

Which musicians ‘enlightened’ you and your music?
Most of them are well-known bass guitarists, e.g. Larry Graham, Louise Johnson. There was once when I bought a guitar and I don’t have enough money/fund to buy the bass guitar, that’s why I tested out the ‘Slap String’ (a bass guitar skill) to be played on the electric guitar~

What was the inspiration of the single ‘Day One’ which you’d just released awhile ago?
As a guitarist, I wanted to work with other talented people, so I asked the French DJ, YUKSEK to complete the song ‘Day One’ with me. The song pictures how the other countries gave Japan a helping hand during the Tokyo 311 Earthquake. I wanted to write ‘Day One’ as a very encouraging song, there’re many negative phrases in its lyrics, but when it came to the negative part of the song, I added the positive words and such to the lyrics to make that dreadful feeling of the song ‘being cleansed’! I also wanted to have a new style in my music, so I asked DJ YUKSEK to collaborate with me, but the main focus of the song was still on the guitar.

What do you think of the genre, Visual Kei?
Not bad, although my music now is more into J-Rock, but I’m still grateful to those who have known me from my Visual Kei days! I’m neither a model nor an actor; I’m merely a musician and guitarist. To me, the most important thing is that everyone can ‘feel’ my music.

[1] Meev was talking about his techniques/skills etc.
[2] No idea why he said that, but oh well :D
[3] A famous violinist in Malaysia. He performed with his electric violin along with fellow Malaysian Beatbox singer Koujee in Miyavi’s concert.
[4] I had to use this word or else the sentence will be too long.
[5] They’re a lot of Chinese words like ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ throughout the whole interview, which is like the Chinese version of ‘ne’ ‘desu yo’ etc. Meev used LOTS of it.

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